The United Nations released its most comprehensive report to date on climate change. The main conclusion? We are to blame and we must start acting.
We have not taken enough care of the planet and we are now witnessing, more than ever, the effects of climate change. Extreme weather events are becoming more and more frequent: high temperatures in August, the Filomena snowfall in Madrid, flooding in Europe…
The UN‘s IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) has just presented its new and most comprehensive report on the climate crisis. The main conclusion of the research is clear: part of the blame is ours and we cannot waste any more time. We must take action.

This document is signed by the IPCC Working Group 1, in charge of gathering information and data to help us understand our planet and the precariousness in which it finds itself. The data has raised a red alert for humanity, a catastrophe that we can only avoid by combining our forces.
The findings indicate a temperature increase in a very short time due to methane emissions. These emissions come from the oil and gas industry and also from agriculture.
If the current rate of greenhouse gas emissions is maintained, global temperatures will rise 2.7 degrees Celsius by the end of the century compared to the pre-industrial era average, warns the report, which also speaks of irreversible changes and inevitable situations, such as sea levels continuing to rise.
The UN has promoted an immediate activation of governments and all stakeholders, with no time to lose. It is hoped that this wake-up call will trigger greater environmental awareness, a change that has already been felt in the aftermath of the pandemic. Big solutions must be brought to big crises like this one. Unity, says the UN, is strength.

Covering our planet with plastic has been another of the consequences of abusing nature, a material that leaves a trail of pollution after its manufacture. Betting on a circular economy, as Limo Revolution does, is a sustainable alternative. To manufacture one kilogram of plastic, about 3.5 kg of CO2 are emitted into the atmosphere, while for every kilogram of plastic we manufacture with recycled material we emit less than half, 1.7 kg of CO2.
The industry is committed to halving its CO2 emissions to reduce its carbon footprint. This is a shared goal and one that Revolución Limo embraces. Sustainability is not an option; it is an obligation.